Saturday, June 28, 2008

Somaliland: A new perspective

Somaliland: A new perspective

by Makwaia wa Kuhenga
Daily News

Hargeisa (Qaran news)-
THIS IS my first perspective with a dateline. I am filing in this style deliberately and for a good reason. Not many people know that there are two countries in Africa almost with the same name and the same people.

The most famous one is Somalia whose capital is Mogadishu. It is, to all intent and purposes a collapsed state. War rages in Somalia. But there is Somaliland -- formerly a British colony. The capital is Hargeisa. It is all-peaceful up here.

It is from this spot that I am filing this perspective. I arrived here about a week ago invited by the Government of Somaliland. When I set out on this trip, a friend warned: "Chunga! Risasi huko!" (Beware of bullets!) He had confused my destination to fratricidal Somalia's Mogadishu.

In fact as I landed at Hargeisa airport in Somaliland -- I was nervous. I was nervous throughout my last leg as I transited Addis Ababa boarding Ethiopian Airways all along from Dar es Salaam.
Aboard the flight to Hargeisa, I twitched in my seat nervously worried that the plane could as well be the target of some gunmen lurking somewhere.

But it was not to be. Somaliland is situated on the northern side of the Horn of Africa with the Gulf of Aden to the north, Somalia (Mogadishu) to the east, Ethiopia to the south and west and Djibouti to the north-west is as peaceful with people going about their normal activities as anywhere under the sun.

There were few planes as I landed at the tarmac of Hargeisa airport -- in fact a couple of charter planes were on the tarmac, one of which I learned later had brought into the country a British Minister in the Foreign and Commonwealth office.

The news bolstered my nerves a little because it gave me both pleasure and confidence that the big boys of the world were interested in this place after all in spite of the fact that Somaliland is yet to be recognized by both the United Nations and the African Union - AU.

Someone came right to the foot of the plane paging my name and I beckoned on him. Soon I was shaking the hands of a couple of officials who had come to receive me -- the Director-General of the Somaliland state television and the newly appointed Consul-General of Somaliland to Tanzania, Mr Ige Ibrahim.

I was ushered in to the VIP lounge -- grinning and happy with myself that journalists too deserve VIP treatment! (Yes, don't we? We are the ones who do the first draft of history!)

The ride to town began soon after my passport was stamped. It was a very interesting experience. Here was a town quite literally located downhill (Bondeni) as Hargeisa is surrounded by mountains looking quite novel at the end of one's eyesight.

The first impression about the town appeared to me like Zanzibar or Unguja town rolled into two. Traffic was sparse but busy. People went about their business normally and at peace with themselves. I saw some traffic lights and some men in uniform with whistles whom I believed to be traffic policemen.

Here people drive on the right -- which is scary for people coming from countries like mine, which keep to the left when driving.

As we drove along, one of my hosts pointed to me the remains of a MIG fighter hoisted up above in the air. "This is the remains of a fighter jet plane by the army of Gen Siad Barre as he sought to pacify the people of Hargeisa to succumb to his rule in Mogadishu," he told me.

Gen Siad Barre was the military leader of Somalia and actually the last best-known Somali Head of State before the disappearance of the Somalia entity, an ill-fated union between the former Italian colonized Somalia with British Somaliland at independence in 1960.

I also saw bullet ridden houses which still hang around in downtown Hargeisa -- reminding people and visitors that it was not all well in the intervening two decades.

The route from the airport into downtown was an indicator that one was visiting an impoverished state standing out alone in the world unrecognized but "deciding to recognize itself" as its Minister for Economic Planning, Mr Ali Ibrahim told me in the course of my visit.
In fact, lack of affluence is something one notes as I did when I visited a couple of Government Ministries including the state television station.

It is so rudimentary, I noted but still people are managing a smile and working with as little Spartan resources at their disposal. I imagined what a Tanzanian Minister would feel when confronted with an office with the barest and most modest furniture.

"I am dead sure some of our ministers would refuse to occupy the offices until they were well furnished to their taste," I reflected allowing myself a discreet chuckle.

But here is a country soldiering on -- depending on own meager resources -- deriving from livestock which is a major preoccupation of the three million people of Somaliland who are basically pastoralists.

In fact I learnt in the course of my stay that it is Somali people in the Diaspora who are also making a major contribution in terms of subvention to their fellow country people.

There is no donor community to count on except a few multilateral UN agencies who are in Somaliland involved in humanitarian support and that is about all. There is no foreign embassy in Somaliland because the country is yet to be granted formal recognition by the United Nations and African Union.

But this sad predicament, in a sense is hidden strength for Somaliland because the spirit of self-reliance is being imbued from the word go.

Makwaia wa KUHENGA is a Senior Journalist and Author currently on a visit to Hargeisa, Somaliland.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Interview with Ahmed Mohamed Hassan, the former Somali Air Force pilot..

Interview with Ahmed Mohamed Hassan, the former Somali Air Force pilot who refused an order to bomb Hargeisa in 1988.

Jun 22

Hargeisa (QARAN) -

Ahmed Mohamed Hassan, a former Somalia Air Force pilot who refused an order to bomb the civilian residents of Hargeisa in 1988 and instead decided to defect to Djibouti returned to Hargeisa after 20 years overseas. The following are excerpts of an interview Ahmed Mohamed gave to Ogaal newspaper recently whilst staying at Imperial Hotel in Hargeisa.

Question: Ahmed Mohamed thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, I wonder if you could give our readers a brief background of the situation in 1988 which forced you disobey orders to bomb Hargeisa and subsequently defect to Djibouti with your plane?

Answer: It is my pleasure and I want to thank you for this opportunity. In 1988 there was a civil war in Somalia, but the period in question, the time of my defection, was the time of the heaviest fighting between the government forces and the opposition forces of the Somali National Movement. It was a time of fierce battles and I think only those who had experienced this first hand can attest to the situation in Hargeisa and its surrounding areas.

Q: When where you first transferred to Hargeisa to take part in the fighting?

A: I was not transferred to Hargeisa, I and another Somali pilot were ordered to fly our Mig 17 jets to Hargeisa to take part in the bombardment of the city. There were already air force technicians in Hargeisa, but other pilot and I were ordered to fly to Hargeisa to take part in the bombardment of the city and its residents. The Mig 17 jets were the only planes in the Somali Air Force that could carry the heavy 500 kilo bombs intended for the bombardment of the city. Unfortunately, this was a sad chapter in my life and in our history, and it pains me to remember, but it is an issue that needs to be discussed.

Q: When did you decide to take your plane to Djibouti instead of bombarding Hargeisa and its residents?

J: It was the day I arrived in July, 1988; I think it was on the 10th of July 1988. On that day we departed from Mogadishu air force base and headed north, we landed in Galkaico, for refuelling and rest. We arrived in Hargeisa around 5pm on the same day. After spending the night at Hargeisa airport, we were told to get ready for bombing sorties the next day. The next day, I reported a technical problem on my plane, whilst the other plane began to bombard Hargeisa and its residents. The second day, after the technicians had finished checking my plane, I was ordered to prepare for my mission, and it was on this day that between 12-1pm that I headed for Djibouti.

Q: So, on this second day, as you departed Hargeisa airport you were under orders to complete your mission by bombarding the city and its residents?

A: Yes, on this day my plane passed inspection and was fitted with FAB 500 bombs. I also want to mention that on the previous afternoon, were given a briefing on the areas in Hargeisa which we were to bomb. In this briefing, certain parts of the city were of a high priority targets. We therefore took off in tandem from the airport and headed for city below in order to commence bombing of the city. We headed west in order to begin our approach from that direction towards to the city. At this time, I set a course for Djibouti. The decision to fly to Djibouti was not made in mid-flight, but it was a decision I took previously. In order to reach my Djibouti I needed to preserve fuel, so I decided to jettison the FAB 500 bombs on the plane. I dumped the bombs just beyond the Nasa-Hablod mountain range towards the east of the city. The bombs fell harmlessly because they were not primed. After dumping the bombs, I headed west toward Djibouti. It took around fifteen to eighteen minutes to reach my destination. As my intended destination grew closer, I began to prepare for landing. I was running out of fuel, so I decided to make an emergency landing on the beach instead of an airport.

Q: When you flew over Hargeisa, what was the situation on the ground like?

A: As you know Hargeisa airport overlooks the city and before I took off, I went up to the tower to take a look at the city. At that time the city was burning, there was heavy destruction in every section, frankly, to me, it looked like a cemetery. Although it was almost 20 years ago, it was an unforgettable sight, it was a terrible sight.

Q: What were some of the areas you recall from looking across the city?

A: I recall that a friend of mine requested my help in assisting his father-in-law to try and leave the city. My friend told me the area of his in-laws residence. It was in one of the priority target areas. In my mind this was madness, this was only something a mad person can do, bomb innocent civilians. Really, it was tragic time which is beyond comprehension, only those who were there can describe the magnitude of the situation.

Q: Were you the only pilot abroad Mig 17?

A: Yes, the Mig 17 has a training plane and a fighter plane. The training plane has two flight cockpits. The fighter has only one. So, I was the only person on the plane.

Q: Did you contact Djibouti tower prior to your arrival?

A: By Allah, I had no communication with Djibouti; the communication on my plane was linked to Hargeisa tower controlled by the Somali armed forces at that time. I was unable to contact Djibouti tower. Therefore it was my intention to land the plane in Djibouti, if I could find an airstrip or not, even if I had to parachute out of the plane! I had several contingencies, but really, it was a case of whatever it takes to get to Djibouti.

Q: So, your plan was to land the plane if possible and jump out?

A: Yes, that was the plan. But, when it becomes necessary to land on the beach due to the fuel situation which had by then finished, it was an easier landing without serious difficulties.

Q: During your flight to Djibouti did you not receive any communications from the airport in Hargeisa?

A: Yes, the airport in Hargeisa did contact me just I had passed over the Nasa-Hablood range, but I informed them that my plane had developed technical difficulties and then I switched off the radio link to the airport because I was already preceding with my own plans.

Q: How did the Djibouti government receive you?

A: After landed, I came across some fishermen who took me to the city (Djibouti) in their boats. At the same time, I was received by the government of Djibouti in a cordial and brotherly manner.

Q: Didn't the Djibouti forces monitor your incursion into their airspace?

A: Perhaps they did, but I did advise the Djibouti authorities of the location of the Mig 17. I was de-briefed by the Djibouti forces and was interviewed by the local media including the television service.

Q: What happened after your reception by the Djibouti authorities?

A: After my reception by the Djibouti government, my situation became the responsibility of the United Nations offices in Djibouti. However, it is worth mentioning that was I not detained by the Djibouti authorities and was free to go about my business in the country. But, due to security reasons, I decided that it would prudent to find a new country of residence with the help of the United Nations offices in Djibouti.

Q: Did the Somali government request your repatriation?

A: Yes, they did. However, their request was rejected by the Djibouti government. I was informed by the Djiboutian home affairs minister that since I decided not to bomb innocent civilians: they will also save me from any harm.

Q: After your transfer to the United Nations agencies, where was your next destination?

A: The United Nation agencies decided to find a third country that will accept me as a refugee. I had no preference and I was happy with any safe place. After a short period, I was fortunate to receive acceptance from Luxembourg, where I still live today with my family.

Q: If you did carry out your mission to bomb Hargeisa, considering the amount weapons abroad your fighter jet, what do you think that damage may have been?

A: It would have been extensive. Furthermore, the plans were, and as we now know, not just one sortie, but several, as many as possible. There was no anti-aircraft fire from the residents of Hargeisa; they were civilians in their homes.

Q: At that time, the defunct Somali government still had some power, therefore, was there any attempt against you in your new home in Luxembourg?

A: No, really, there was no fear because there are not many Somalis in Luxembourg, and to be frank, the ability of the Somali government was not at that level. I really felt safe in my new home in Luxembourg.

Q: Did any of the opposition movement contact you? Or at the very least praise your actions?

A: By Allah, I never met any of the opposition movements in an official capacity, I did meet one or two members who praised my action. But, really, I don't see anything that requires praise; it was my duty as a human being to save the lives of other defenceless and innocent people. I refused to be vessel for destruction. It is only other people who make my actions seem heroic.

Q: To your knowledge, did any other fellow air force pilots follow your example?

A: I had heard that another plane from the Somali air force landed in Djibouti on its way to another location. However, the plane and its passengers who included members of the army logistic and supply corps were returned to Somalia. That is the only other incident I recall.

Q: Now that you have returned to Hargeisa, what are your memories and impressions?

A: I arrived in Hargeisa yesterday, and I am very, very happy to be here. I am also touched by the reception from the people of Hargeisa and Somaliland. I am grateful to see the peace and stability in Somaliland, and I encourage the people of Somaliland to maintain it. It is an example to all the nations in the region.
I had left a city in ruins and returned to a risen city. I thank and praise the people of Somaliland.


Friday, June 20, 2008

International Republic Institute(IRI) opens office in Somaliland

Jun 20 2008


The International Republic Institute(IRI) has formallyopened a new office in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland.The International Republic Institute is a non-profit, nonpartisan organisation dedicated to advancing freedom anddemocracy worldwide by helping to support civicinstitutions, open elections and good governance.

At a reception held at the Mansoor Hotel in Hargeisaattended by senior members of the Somaliland government,members of the Somaliland parliament, party officials,social activist, members of the press and other guest, theSpeaker of the Somaliland parliament, Mudane AbdirahmanMohamed Abdillahi welcomed the opening of the new IRI office in Somaliland.

In a his brief remarks at the ceremony, Speaker AbdirahmanMohamed stated that IRI has always played a significantrole in the democratic development of Somaliland and byopening an office in the country has shown its support ofthe country's democratic credentials.

Speaker Abdirahman Mohamed concluded his remarks bypledging the support of the people of Somaliland towardsIRI's efforts in the country and encouraged the peopleof Somaliland to safeguard and maintain the stability which has made Somaliland a beacon of hope in a volatile region.

The IRI director for East Africa, Mr. Ted Levassiur alsospoke at the ceremony to mark the opening of the new IRIoffice in Hargeisa. Mr.Levassiur outlined recentco-operation between Somaliland and IRI including thehistoric presidential and parliamentary elections in 2003and 2005 respectively.

The opening of the IRI office in Hargeisa is seen by manyas sign of further engagement between Somaliland and otherinternational institutions.


Somaliland ministers attend ceremonies for graduating students in Buroa and Hargeisa

Jun 20, 2008

The Somaliland Health minister, Mudane Abdi Haibe Mohamed participated in a ceremony to honour 31 new graduates from Burco's Health School.

The ceremony held at Barqawo Hotel in Buroa was attended by dignitaries including senior members of the Somaliland government, members of the Somaliland parliament, the Governor of Togdher region, officers from the regional health committee and other guests.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mudane Abdi Haibe praised the efforts of the residents of Togdher region in raising the commitment to the education of the youth of Somaliland. Mudane Abdi Haibe congratulated the graduating students and encouraged them to use their newly gained knowledge and skills towards improving the health sector in Somaliland.

In conclusion, Mudane Abdi Haibe, the Somaliland Health minister thanked the Togdher regional committee and the business community in Somaliland, in particular Dahabshiil financial services for their contribution towards furthering the development of the health sector in the country.

Other dignitaries attending the ceremony included the Somaliland Commerce minister, Mudane Osman Qasim Qo'dah, Marwo Baar Saeed Warsame, a member of Somaliland parliament, Mudane Jama Abdillahi Bin, Governor of Togdher, Dr. Isse Nur Liban, a member of the regional health committee, Marwo Edna Aden Ismail of Edna's maternity hospital and Dr. Abdi Aw


The Somaliland minister of Planning, Mudane Ali Ibrahim Mohamed participated in a ceremony to honour 250 students graduating from Al Khayr middle school in Hargeisa.The ceremony held at Ambassador Hotel brought together the administration, teachers and students from Al Khayr middle school, parents and other guests.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mudane Ali Ibrahim congratulated the graduating students on their achievements and encouraged them to continue their education in order to fulfil their potential.

Also speaking at the ceremony, Abdirahman Omar, the principal of Al Khayr middle school gave a presentation regarding the convocating class including the completion of their courses in English, Mathematics, Computer Technology in 2007/2008 school year.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Senior delegation from the UK arrives in Somaliland

Jun 18, 2008

Hargeisa (QRN)-The Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth for African Affairs, Mr. Kim Howells MP and his delegation arrived this morning at Egal International airport. The delegation met with the President of Somaliland, Mudane Dahir Rayale Kahin at the Presidency in Hargeisa.

At the meeting with President Rayale, the British delegation led by Mr. Kim Howells discussed issues of interest to both nations and the relationship between Somaliland and the United Kingdom.

The delegation was met at the airport by the Somaliland Foreign minister, Mudane Abdillahi Mohamed Duale, Home Affairs minister, Mudane Abdillahi Ismail Ali, Civil Aviation minister, Mudane Mohamed Ali Warran'adde, the Mayor of Hargeisa, Mudane Hussein Mohamud Ji'ir, and senior protocol and security officials from the Somaliland government.

The British delegation led by Mr. Kim Howells met with members of the Somaliland government, opposition parties, parliament, the national elections commission and members of the civil society during their short visit to Somaliland.

This is not the first visit by a senior British minister to Somaliland, Lord Mullins visited the country in 2004 whilst African Affairs minister at FCO. There was also a visit by a cross-party
British parliamentarians led by Mr. Tony Baldry MP in 2003.

The visit by Mr. Kim Howells and his delegation follows recent visits by senior British diplomats, including Ambassador Norman Ling, to Somaliland during last few weeks.
Attending the meeting with the United Kingdom delegation were the Somaliland Vice-President Mudane Ahmed Yusuf Yasin, Finance minister, Mudane Hussien Ali Duale and the Planning minister, Mudane Ali Ibrahim.

The United Kingdom delegation included, Ms. Tiu Morris from the Foreign and Commonwealth, Mr. John Marshall, deputy ambassador at the British Embassy in Addis Ababa and several senior diplomats.

Source Qarannews

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Somaliland President receives UNDP delegation

Jun 12, 2008

The President of the Republic of Somaliland, Mudane Dahir Rayale Kahin hosted an official reception for a delegation from the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) last night at the Presidency in Hargeisa.

The UNDP delegation included Mr.Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, Director for the UNDP office for the Arab region, Mr. Mark Bowden, coordinator for the UNDP Humanitarian office, Mr. Bruno Lemarquis, Somaliland and Somalia office cordinator and several other senior officers from the UNDP office in Hargeisa.

The UNDP delegation are on a short visit to Somaliland to evaluate the current UNDP projects in the country.

Mr. Abdoulaye Mar Dieye gave a brief statement to thank the government and the people of Somaliland for the warm welcome afforded to the delegation during their stay in Somaliland and also praised Somaliland for the security and stability currently prevailing in the nation.

Mr. Mar Dieye also stated that the UNDP has been able to increase its funding for projects in Somaliland during this fiscal year.

In response, the President of Somaliland, Mudane Dahir Rayale Kahin thanked the UNDP office for its continued support of the development in Somaliland and gave an overview of the nation's recovery from the destruction at the hands of the Barre regime during the civil war between 1988-1991.

President Rayale also stated that it is the aim of Somaliland to continue on its democratic path coupled with good governance and strong social development through dialogue, discussion and consensus.

Mudane Rayale assured the visiting delegation that the upcoming Somaliland Presidential and local assembly elections will be held as declared in the recent tri-party agreement.

In conclusion, President Rayale requested that the UNDP and other UN agencies take further steps to assist Somaliland in combating the global increase in food and fuel prices, especially since Somaliland does not receive direct aid due its lack of international recognition.

Attendees at the official reception for the UNDP delegation included, Madame Huda Burkhad, the first lady, and several senior Somaliland ministers including, Mudane Hussien Ali Duale, the Finance minister, Mudane Ali Ibrahim, the Minister of Planning, Mudane Abdillahi Mohamed Duale, the Foreign Minister and staff from the President's protocol office.

Source Qarannews

New Water Complex In Hargeisa,Somaliland

Jun 12, 2008


The Somaliland Minister of Water and Natural Resources, Mudane Qassim Sheikh Yusuf Ibrahim accompanied by the Somaliland ministers of Agriculture, Mudane Aden Ahmed Elmi and Presidency, Mudane Nur Amin paid a visit to the site of a new water complex currently under construction towards south of Hargeisa.

Speaking to the media at the site, Mudane Qassim Sheikh Yusuf stated that this new complex will help to alleviate any shortages in water for the residents of Hargeisa and the surrounding areas.

Mudane Qassim Sheikh Yusuf also stated that the equipment being used in the construction were donated by the UAE Red Crescent society through the offices of its chair Sheikh Hamdan and follows the visit made to that country earlier in 2008 by the Somaliland President Mudane Dahir Rayale Kahin.

According to the engineers overseeing the projects the new well has reached water after drilling for less then 15 days and has reached a level of 300 metres of the final distance of 400 metres. The engineers are confident of reaching sufficient water reserves which will be able to sustain the needs of the residents of Hargeisa and its environs.

The Somaliland ministers thanked the UAE Red Crescent society, Sheikh Hamdan and all the staff at the new complex construction site. There has been confirmation from the Somaliland ministry of Water and Natural Resources on plans for several other similar complexes across the country.

Source Qarannews

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Somaliland government and opposition parties sign new accord.

Jun 11, 2008


The Somaliland government and the opposition parties, KULMIYE and UCID have formally signed a new accord at a ceremony in Hargeisa.

At the ceremony held at the Maansor Hotel conference centre and attended by the Somaliland Vice-President Mudane Ahmed Yusuf Yasin, senior members of the Somaliland government, The chair of UCID party, Mudane Faisal Ali Warabe, the deputy chair of KULMIYE, Mudane Muse Bihi Abdi, religious scholars, members of the Somaliland parliament, the Ethiopian ambassador in Somaliland and other guest, the final agreement between all three Somaliland parties, KULMIYE, UCID and the ruling party UDUB was formally signed.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mudane Ahmed Yusuf Yasin paid tribute to all those who had participated in the dialogue, discussion and consensus which have led to the formulation of this accord.Mudane Ahmed Yusuf stated that this agreement will bring a lasting resolution to the recent debates in Somaliland and will enable the National Elections Commission to continue its mandate to administer free and fair elections across the country.

Vice-President Ahmed Yusuf Yasin concluded his brief remarks by stating that all Somalilanders should rejoice as the result of this agreement and continue to follow the time tested formula for resolving any issues through dialogue, discussion and consensus whilst at the same time aware of the difficult economic times not only in Somaliland but across globe affecting food and fuel prices.

Other dignitaries who also made brief comments at the signing of the new accord between the three Somaliland parties included, Mudane Faisal Ali Warabe, chair of the UCID party and Mudane Muse Bihi Abdi, deputy chair of the KULMIYE party who also both paid tribute to the Somaliland people for assuring that recent political debates have been resolved through dialogue, discussion and consensus.

The signatories of the new accord between the three Somaliland parties were as follows:-
For UDUB : The Somaliland Vice-President Mudane Ahmed Yusuf Yasin
For UCID: The Chair of the Party, Mudane Faisal Ali WarabeFor KULMIYE:
The deputy Chair of the Party, Mudane Muse Bihi Abdi
For Somaliland National Elections Commission: Chair, Mohamed Ismail

The main points of the agreement:

1. The Presidential elections will precede the local assembly elections.
2. The voter registration process will completed prior to local assembly elections.
3. The Somaliland National Elections Commission(NEC) will set the date the Presidential elections after the completion of the voter registration process.
4. The Somaliland Presidential election must be take place before 6th of April 2009.
5. Voter registration laws concerning the Somaliland Presidential elections which cannot be implemented in time must be rescinded.
6. The creation of a committee consisting of members from the NEC and the three Somaliland parties to resolve any unforeseen issues relating to the elections, with the added proviso that the Somaliland House of Elders will ratify the committees resolution without extension.
7. The creation of a standing technical committee consisting of one member from each Somaliland party to facilitate co-operation between the Somaliland government and the opposition parties. The first three nominees of the standing technical committee are as follows:

1. Mudane Ismail Bulaale, Secretary-General, UDUB
2. Mudane Aden Mohamed Mire, Deputy Chair, UCID
3. Mudane Abdirahman Abdilqadir Farah, 2nd Deputy Chair, KULMIYE

In general the Somaliland public both at home and abroad have welcomed the settlement of the recent political debates in the country heralded by this accord.

Source Qarannews

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

British Diplomats from UK Embassies in Kenya, Ethiopia and Yemen visit Somaliland

Jun 10, 2008

Hargeisa - A large delegation of British diplomats from United Kingdom embassies in Kenya, Ethiopia and Yemen have arrived on a visit to Somaliland.

The delegation led by Mr.John Marshall, deputy ambassador at the British embassy in Addis Ababa were met at Egal International Airport by the Somaliland Foreign Minister, Mudane Abdillahi Mohamed Duale, the Minister of State, Saeed Mohamed Nur and senior members from the ministry including the protocol department.

Speaking briefly to the gather media at the Egal International Airport in Hargeisa, Mudane Abdillahi Duale stated that the British diplomats are on a visit to Somaliland as part of the strengthening of the ties between the two nations.

Mudane Abdillahi Duale, the Somaliland Foreign minister also stated that the delegation will be in Somaliland for the next two days and will also visit the port of Berbera.

In other news, the Director-General of the Somaliland Foreign Ministry, Mudane Awil Muhumed Farah also confirmed that the Somaliland Foreign minister also met with a delegation from the European Development Commission (EDC) yesterday in Hargiesa.

Source Qarannews

Monday, June 9, 2008

Somaliland: Dynamic and Progressive

Recently, the Somaliland House of Representatives approved the 2008 annual budget. A remarkable achievement for an unrecognised nation, this budget will see an increase of 27% from the 2007 budget. It would appear that the Somaliland Ministry of Finance is steadily increasing revenue whilst at the same increase spending on social, health and economic sectors.

Admittedly there are areas of improvement, including but not limited to the banking sector. But, the main thing is that Somaliland is managing to steadily increase its revenue and which is leading to a rise in the national domestic production. True to its democratic credentials, the budget went before the House of Representatives for scrutiny and eventual approval, how many nations in Africa or for that matter in the world can boast of such an adherence to good governance.

However, there are critics of the recent budget and their criticism is based on certain perceived "oversights". The budget is a financial plan for spending for the next annual fiscal year, and a nation can only spend what it has, that is why Somaliland is virtually debt free.

The Somaliland government's economic strategy is somewhat hampered by the fact that country doesn't yet enjoy international recognition and therefore cannot use the normal channels for aid and loans, but this appears to be a blessing in disguise, it has kept the nation debt free.

The Somaliland government has been criticised by some for spending a large proportion of its budget on security; perhaps these critics have failed to appreciate the nature of Somaliland's existence and its location. These critics need to be reminded that Somaliland has enjoyed seventeen years of continuous peace and stability in a volatile region of Africa, and without proper allocation of funds for security, there will not be stability let alone a budget.

Somaliland faces many obstacles and challenges, but it is important to remember that barely seventeen years ago Somaliland had to rise from the rubble of destructions. The development that Somaliland enjoys today is the direct result of national initiatives which has been community led and assisted by sympathetic international nations and aid agencies. Previous Somaliland governments have laid the foundations for the remarkable stability of the nation, the rapid improvement of the infrastructure, the burgeoning economic and educational sectors, and all within a budget of less than $100,000,000 dollars!

Without prudent management of its meagre funds and the constant self-sacrifice made by the people of Somaliland there wouldn’t peace and stability, nor schools, hospitals, teachers, law and order, parliament, roads and so on.

As Somaliland's economy grows and revenue increases there will be a substantial reduction in security spending relative to other spending. Somalilanders as a whole are grateful that there is a budget which enables the government to protect the nation’s sovereignty, and if the Somaliland military receives as some critics suggest a large portion of the nation’s budget, then perhaps these critics can explain to the people of Somaliland how the nation can protected from the mayhem in the region?

Somaliland has recently reached an agreement with the World Bank and donor nations on a five year programme of Reconstruction and Rehabilitation programme estimated at $550 million dollars which will help Somaliland to improve its infrastructure, economy and social facilities. However, for the time being, like many nations Somaliland is facing many problems such as an increase in oil prices, increase in food prices and inflation.

The government of Somaliland recently eased the taxes and restriction of food and fuel imports to allow the business sector to meet the demands of the public. The government has also taken steps to combat against hording and price fixing. It is worth mentioning that there were no food riots in Somaliland as compared to many other places across the region.

The government of Somaliland has also taken steps to explore its natural resources and has recently conducted an extensive seismic survey which has led to agreements for exploration with foreign based oil companies. There have also been new developments in water resources, including a new complex at Las Anod, and plans for additional complexes across the country.

In terms of agriculture and livestock sector which are predominantly in the private sector, it is the policy of the Somaliland government to assist, regulate and facilitate these sectors. Both the Somaliland ministries of agriculture and livestock have taken steps to develop these vital economics sectors by providing facilities and developmental assistance.

In terms of livestock and animal husbandry these new developments includes the recent inoculation programme across Somaliland and the new animal export processing centre in Berbera.

Somaliland's ministry of agriculture has taken positive steps in assisting Somaliland's farmers with help of the international agencies in training, machinery and developmental tools.

The people and the government of Somaliland, along with the assistance of the international community are waging a successful campaign against HIV/Aids and other pandemics through local initiatives led by the youth of the country.

There has been a great improvement in Somaliland's health infrastructure through government initiatives in areas such as refurbishment of existing health facilities in Sanaag, Sool and other rural locations and through international aid and private enterprise, the creation of non-profit facilities such as Edna's Maternity Hospital> and Manhal Speciality Hospital and clinics.

Somaliland has recently completed a child inoculation programme across the country, as well as, becoming a destination for patients from the Horn of Africa seeking medical attention in Hargeisa, Buroa and Borama.

The educational sector of Somaliland has also seen a marked improvement. There are currently five accredited universities, a comprehensive primary, middle and secondary education which have lead to record enrolment. The re-opening of technical schools in Buroa, Borama and Berbera are on the horizon.

Somaliland's communications facilities have also gradually improved. The recent upgrade of both Egal International Airport and the Port of Berbera will see an increase in revenue and traffic over the new few years. There have also been government, local and community driven initiatives to upgrade the road networks of Somaliland in places such as Berbera, Borama and Las Anod.

The economic sector in Somaliland is both dynamic and inventive. Aside for the normal business sectors such as production, wholesale and retail, there are remarkable new developments in telecommunications (for example Somaliland boast's the best and cheapest cellular network in Africa) and the proposed fibre optic cable installation will allow the industry to reach its potential and create> employment across the country.

There also has been a marked improvement in Tourism and> Culture. The development of the Las Geel caves and other> ancient sites along with Somaliland potential as a> destination for deep sea diving along the Red Sea coast> will see a substantial change in the tourism sector.> > Once again it important to emphasis that Somaliland is a> poor and under developed country with a miniscule annual> budget and without international recognition as of yet,> However, Somaliland critics must also exercise some> responsibility and admit to the nations achievements. > > Some of the developments mentioned in this article are> merely the tip of the ice, everyday across Somaliland jobs> are being created from construction to fishing, from the> service industry to transportation, children go to school, and> people go about their daily lives in peace and security. For> a nation recovering from the destructions of a brutal civil> war to free itself from a failed and unjust union,> Somaliland has come a long way.> > However, Somaliland has a long road ahead, but its future> is bright due to the democratic path chosen by its> citizens, and without security and stability its> achievements wouldn't have been possible.>

Somaliland seeks a little respect

Somaliland seeks a little respect

Written by Paul Salopek
Chicago Tribune

Jun 08, 2008

HARGEISA, Somaliland — Somalia isn't supposed to be this normal.Untroubled by petty crime, money changers in this quiet desert city leave their stacks of currency unattended—in piles the size of refrigerators — while they pray in mosques.Earnest government officials, elected in what may be the cleanest voting in Africa, eagerly meet reporters in roadside cafes, a practice that would be suicidal in the violent south of the country, where occupying Ethiopian troops do battle with a ferocious Islamist insurgency. (Even more unusual, the officials insist on picking up the tab for camel-milk tea.)

Across town, another private university is being planned—the sixth in the region. It won't teach the Quran, unlike the few other surviving educational facilities in war-ruined Somalia. Instead, its curriculum will be secular and American—pinched from Portland State University in Oregon, to be exact

"This is what frustrates us," said Dahir Rayale Kahin, president of the obscure self-declared republic of Somaliland, a parched enclave the size of Oklahoma that proclaimed its independence from Somalia in 1991 and is angling to become a platform for U.S. power in the region."We are a functioning state, but the world still ignores us. Instead, it props up a failed state in the south, in Mogadishu, a place with no rule of law, a state that is nothing."

Remote, desperately poor and unrecognized by any country—yet astonishingly stable and free—the separatist republic of Somaliland marked 17 years of democratic self-rule last month, a remarkable milestone of good governance that served to remind its few Western visitors, wistfully, of what's missing in the rest of Somalia: airports that aren't mortared by rebels, streets that are safe to walk at night, votes that are counted fairly, and a fledgling army that has managed, so far, to trump the divisive Somali obsession with tribe and clan.

Not everyone is celebrating.The U.S.-backed transitional federal government of Somalia, which theoretically rules this shattered nation from the war-gutted capital of Mogadishu, condemns Somaliland's leaders as traitors and renegades. And local and international human-rights groups have noted that Kahin, Somaliland's second president, has become more authoritarian in the past year, jailing and then pardoning local opposition politicians and reporters.

But as the United States struggles to contain the threat of Islamic terrorism in Somalia—and in the rest of the volatile Horn of Africa—dusty Somaliland, population 3.5 million, has stepped up as an unlikely partner in that Herculean task.Stretching across the north of Somalia along the blistering-hot shores of the Gulf of Aden, Somaliland recently offered its derelict port of Berbera as a base for the Pentagon's new Africa Command, or AFRICOM. The Pentagon, which already operates a counterterrorism base in neighboring Djibouti, has yet to respond to the proposal.

Welcome to oil firms

Somaliland's government also has invited U.S. oil companies to reclaim their 1980s exploration rights in the region, abandoned during the civil wars that led to Somalia's collapse. So far no companies have returned, citing legal concerns about Somalia's claim of sovereignty over the region.

For the same reason, Somaliland receives little foreign aid.Washington must walk a tightrope in its relations with a rustic statelet that covers about a quarter of Somalia and is inhabited primarily by camel and goat herders.Officially, the Bush administration has deferred the issue of Somaliland's independence to the African Union, which has a historic aversion to tinkering with old colonial borders on the continent. Angry Somalilanders argue that they actually are restoring their colonial boundaries: The region was a British protectorate that joined with Italian-ruled Somalia in 1960.

It is partly that history, Somaliland elders say, that girds their mini-state against Somalia's violence and chaos. While the Italians undercut tribal authority, allowing young warlords to seize power, the British left old clan structures intact. Somaliland's nascent government now includes a council of elders, or Guurti, that helps resolve disputes.

Still, U.S. policymakers fear that allowing Somaliland to become Africa's newest country would sink the already feeble transitional government of Somalia, which is propped up by U.S. cash and troops from the African Union and another U.S. ally, Ethiopia.Ethiopian forces, aided by U.S. intelligence, installed Somalia's unpopular federal authorities 18 months ago after an invasion that toppled a conservative Islamic movement.

Since then, thousands of people have died—and hundreds of thousands have fled their homes—in a stubborn Islamist rebellion.Except in Somalia's strangely placid north.

America's 'only real friend'"I don't know why America ignores its only real friend in the region," said Mustafa Farah, a youth chewing khat, a popular narcotic leaf, in Somaliland's self-designated capital of Hargeisa. "You could walk with an American flag across this city and nobody would bother you. We like Americans."

In fact, many Somalilanders are Americans.Though statistics are scarce, the regional government here estimates that as many as 100,000 Somaliland expatriates may live in the United States. Some of the region's parliament members speak English with cornfield-flat Minnesota accents. Entrepreneurs building the new university are modeling their classes on those of their alma mater in Portland, Ore.Remittances sent to local families from the United States and elsewhere are believed to dwarf the Somaliland government's annual budget of $50 million—a figure roughly equivalent to U.S. funding for fighting brush fires this year in San Diego County, Calif.

For its part, the State Department has allocated $1 million to help Somaliland organize its next presidential race, to be held no later than April 2009. It will be the region's fourth round of elections since declaring independence. No free elections have been held elsewhere in Somalia for almost 40 years.Somaliland's experiment with democracy hasn't been without glitches.The president faced criticism last year for imprisoning three journalists on charges of defamation.

Three politicians also were held after trying to form a new opposition party. The government quietly released the men, fearing their arrest had damaged its bid for international recognition."We will go ahead with our elections and we will never give up," Kahin, the Somaliland leader, said while relaxing at the presidential palace one recent evening. "We are a patient people."Wrapped in a traditional sarong-like skirt and stirring a cup of tea, he cited Kosovo and East Timor as recent models for achieving independence. He noted that those fledgling states had separated from viable countries—whereas Somaliland simply wanted a divorce from the wreckage of Somalia.

Outside, in a handmade republic in one of the toughest neighborhoods in the world, the city's generator-powered lights punctually kicked on. And among the mosques' amplified calls to prayer there came the tinny strains of hip-hop.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Somaliland: The US and Somaliland: A Roadmap

Somaliland: The US and Somaliland: A Roadmap

Written by UNPO
Jun 06, 2008 at 03:50 PM
Preeminent international affairs commentator, Dr J Peter Pham, provides an overview of recent strong strides made by the government of Somaliland in gaining international recognition, with particular focus on its relationship with the US, and provides a roadmap for the aspiring state for what further steps it can take to facilitate this movement.
Below is an extract from an article published by World Defense Review:
In January [2008], the president of the Republic of Somaliland, Dahir Rayale Kahin, accompanied by his foreign minister, Abdillahi Mohamed Duale, and several other members of his cabinet were invited to Washington for a visit that was officially acknowledged by the U.S. Department of State.
Barely two weeks later, on February 3 [2008], Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer, arrived in Somaliland's capital, Hargeisa, with Ambassador John M. Yates, a veteran diplomat based in Nairobi, Kenya, who is America's special envoy for Somalia (the U.S. envoy to Ethiopia, Ambassador Don Yamamoto, preceded the pair by one day). Dr. Frazer, the highest-ranking U.S. official to set foot in the republic since it reasserted its independence in 1991, spent the day holding formal talks with top government officials as well as meeting privately with representatives of Somaliland's three registered political parties – the Union of Democrats (UDUB), the Peace, Unity, and Development Party (KULMIYE), and the Party of Justice (UCID) – and the unregistered "Qaran" political movement.
A few days after Dr. Frazer's visit, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) announced that it would "expand substantially activities designed to improve the lives of citizens of Somaliland," pledging "resources amounting to twice those spent in 2007 will be spent on projects focusing on the rule of law and security, democratic governance and on recovery and sustainable livelihoods, as well as on additional staff to increase the range of the ambitious programme in different regions of Somaliland" in concert "with the Somaliland government and other UN agencies."
Dr. Frazer was careful to emphasize that the recent flurry of activity did not imply diplomatic recognition was imminent, noting that while "we have said on many occasions that the U.S. will continue to work with Somaliland, in particular, in the strong democratic values which Somaliland has succeeded in implementing," the issue of recognition should be left to the African Union (AU), while America would "work with the AU and will respect whatever decision it makes on Somaliland's status." […] [The] AU is simply unable to actually address the matter as long as it continues to seat the utterly ineffectual "Transitional Federal Government" (TFG) of Somalia, which asserts sovereignty over the entire territory of the defunct Somali Democratic Republic despite being unable to so much as safely police its putative capital. Since Dr. Frazer is, undoubtedly, well aware of this reality, what is one to make of the recent developments?
In large measure, the recent engagement can be viewed as strategically sound at several levels. In the short term, it is increasingly apparent that the TFG's lease on life is perhaps even more tenuous than that of its "president," Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, who, until last week, had not been in Somalia for months and was evacuated to London from Nairobi last month for medical treatment.
Over the longer term, given the apparent futility trying to reconstitute a unitary state […] the members of the international community, especially the United States and its allies, have every reason to seek to engage Somaliland, not least of which is its geopolitical significance as a Muslim country with authentic democratic aspirations controlling over 900 kilometers of coastline along sea lanes along the Gulf of Aden, just opposite the Arabian Peninsula.
However, […] [this] does not mean that the United States will extend formal diplomatic recognition to Somaliland any time soon despite the consonance of the admirable efforts by its people to build a secure and democratic state for themselves to the vision which President George W. Bush outlined in his second inaugural address: "It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world ... Our goal ... is to help others find their own voice, attain their own freedom, and make their own way." Rather, while the commonality of ideals provides a basis for moving forward, Realpolitik dictates that not just ideals, but concrete national interests must be carefully considered if a great power like the United States is going to break new ground and recognize an aspiring state like Somaliland. In other words, […] I cannot foresee recognition from Washington unless the government in Hargeisa convinces skeptics that there is substantial "value added" in the relationship.
To this end, the following are some steps which President Kahin and his government might take to build upon the recent progress in ties with the United States with a view to eventually securing formal recognition of what their citizens have accomplished in building a nation out of the wreckage of the former Somalia:

First, one cannot understate the importance of the presidential election scheduled for August 2008: it must be a model of free, fair, and transparent balloting. One of the most important claims that Somaliland makes on the attention of the international community is its democratic politics. While the 2005 elections for the House of Representatives marked a significant milestone in that the incumbent president's UDUB won only 33 seats in the 82-member legislature (KULMIYE and UCID won 28 and 21 seats, respectively), following this up with a successful second direct democratic presidential vote (the first took place in 2003), would truly confirm Somaliland's status in the company of emerging democracies. […]

Second, beyond the voting, Somaliland must continue making progress on democratic governance. The territory is characterized a "partly free," scoring 5 on political rights and 4 on civil liberties in Freedom House's annual report, Freedom in the World 2008 (the scale is 1 to 7, with 1 corresponding to the highest and 7 the lowest levels of freedom). While the scores are impressive in contrast to that of the countries in its neighborhood – Somalia scores an abysmal 7 on both indices, Ethiopia and Djibouti scores a 5 on both political freedom and civil rights, while Eritrea manages to score 7 and 6 respectively – there is still considerable room for improvement. The members of the upper chamber of parliament, the House of Elders (Guurti), for example, have repeatedly extended their own terms of office. Corruption, while not as insidious as elsewhere in Africa, nonetheless needs to be systematically combated; while President Kahin deserves credit for sacking a number of corrupt officials during his tenure, the fact that they were even in place at all and needed to be removed is still disconcerting. While Somaliland is a largely homogenous society, there are nonetheless a few very small minority communities whose concerns could also be better addressed in the overall political process.

Third, while President Kahin expressed the willingness of Somaliland to work with U.S. regional counterterrorism efforts during his meetings with Defense Department officials in Washington last month – and legal avenues for such cooperation need to be found on the American side – Hargeisa must redouble its efforts on the anti-extremism front. And while government agencies on the American side may have unresolved issues with certain types of engagements with their Somaliland counterparts, nothing prevents the latter from more increasing the quantity and quality of intelligence which they share. This would be particularly helpful since American military and intelligence officials have very limited access to reliable information from southern Somalia, an area where Somalilanders not only are better positioned to operate, but in fact already do so extensively. While I realize that this proposal shifts the burden somewhat to Somaliland, it is, after all, Somalilanders who are trying to make a case for partnership with the United States. (For their part, American officials would do well to shift responsibility for matters relating to Somaliland from the U.S. embassy in Kenya to the one in Ethiopia given that while there are no direct connections between Hargeisa and Nairobi, Somaliland officials and civilians routinely pass through Addis Ababa en route to other destinations.)

Fourth, it is no secret that the former Somalia has significant potential natural resources. […] [There] are reports of the Swedish-based Lundin Petroleum AB (owned, since 2001, by Canada's Talisman Energy) had approached Somaliland's Ministry of Water and Minerals for rights to oil and natural gas exploration [and] authorities in Hargeisa would do well to consider the long-term strategic implications of their decisions as well as the economic benefits. Even if their foreign policy elites were not generally divorced from the interests of their business classes, neither Sweden nor Canada would likely be much of a strategic ally for anyone, much less a nascent state in a dangerous neighborhood like the one Somaliland finds itself in. In contrast, as Walter Russell Mead and other scholars have pointed out, there is a long tradition of American business and government working in tandem, with the latter often following the former's lead and U.S. political interests adjusting themselves to advance the economic interests of its citizens. Not only should the government in Hargeisa be open to approaches by American firms, but it ought to actively court them, realizing that without significant commercial ties to the United States, any political relations – if they come about at all – will be very tenuous. Conversely, the presence of American business interests, especially in strategic sectors, reinforces the geopolitical case for diplomatic ties between Washington and Hargeisa.

Commenting on Somaliland, I.M. Lewis, the British scholar who for half a century has been the preeminent authority on the Somali peoples, observed: "The overall achievement so far as truly remarkable, and all the more so in that it has been accomplished by the people of Somaliland themselves with very little external help or intervention. The contrast with the fate of southern Somalia hardly needs to be underlined." For these two reasons, among others, it is hoped that Somaliland will take the steps necessary to take advantage of the momentum in favor of advancing ties with its natural strategic partner, the United States, to the next level.

Source UNPO

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

History as tool in Somaliland

ISN Security Watch

The Somaliland region argues that its history as a separate entity and peaceful existence make it a prime candidate for independence.

The row over presidential and parliamentary elections in the as-yet unrecognized republic of Somaliland, in the northwest region of Somalia, was resolved Sunday after the three national parties held marathon talks in the presidential residence in Hargeysa, the capital.

But the dispute, which was triggered by the decision of the upper house of the parliament to extend President Dahir Riyale Kahin's term for a year, did not mar the independence anniversary celebrated by "Somalilanders" on 18 May.

Unlike southern Somalia, Somaliland has been stable since it unilaterally declared independence shortly after rebels overthrew then-ruler Mohamed Siyad Barre in 1991, arguing that "the union did not work according to the aspirations of the people." Since then, the country has been seeking diplomatic recognition from the rest of the world.

Saeed Adaani, the Somaliland presidential spokesman, told ISN Security Watch that Somaliland's quest for recognition from the international community has both legal and moral bases "since the issue is not one part of a sovereign country seceding but the demand for separation from an unholy union."

"Many people are unaware that south Somalia, which was an Italian colony, and Somaliland, [which] was a British protectorate, voluntarily united in 1960 after being two separate countries for centuries."

According to Adaani, historically, the two "countries" have never been one, but it was the decision of the people of Somaliland to join with the south that was the catalyst for the union, which, he argues, has not worked in their interests.

"We have every right to reclaim our independence and revoke the unworkable unity between the two countries, [both of] which can have good neighborly relations between them just like with other countries," Adaani told ISN Security Watch.

The leaders of the pro-independence government - led by Riyale's ruling United Peoples' Democratic Party and strongly supported by the only other legally-mandated parties, the Kulmiye and the Justice and Welfare Party - has forcefully pushed its case for independence on the international stage, focusing particularly on the UK, the US, the EU and the African Union (AU).

Despite recent signs that the international community is interested in the stability of, and democratic political process in Somaliland, no country has come forward to extend the much sought after recognition. According to Omar Ali, a Somali commentator in Mogadishu, this is because, since the unification agreement was signed in Mogadishu, a separation agreement should also come from Mogadishu.

"Whoever they are, southern leaders, whether [they are] feudal warlords, the Islamists, or the current transitional government, have all unanimously opposed the secession of the northwestern regions," Ali told ISN Security Watch in Mogadishu. "And the leaders in Somaliland have been openly hostile toward the south, which they accuse of three decades of repression and persecution."

He says that Somaliland's case cannot be compared to that of Eritrea, which has received near-automatic recognition from the world following independence from Ethiopia. The latter's co-operation was instrumental in the separation of the two countries.

"Somaliland did not get or seek the cooperation of southern Somalia political leaders and distanced itself from what has been going on in the south by saying it will only speak with southern leaders after they recognize Somaliland. And southern leaders do not want northern regions to go. A real catch-22," says Ali.

According to Somaliland, the circular argument revolves in the other direction. "There is no way for us to speak with people who do not acknowledge our existence," Adaani said.

"To those who insist that we talk to south Somalia leaders about our independence, we say Somaliland is, has always been and will forever be an independent state whether we are recognized or not," he said.

Somaliland: The Horn's best kept secret

Whatever the status of Somaliland as a political entity, its supporters say the self-declared country has taken long strides toward reconstruction, stability and democratization while the rest of the country has suffered total chaos and lawlessness.

Somaliland has established its own government institutions, three political parties, a parliament and a police force. It also has a flag and currency of its own. The country has been stable since declaring independence nearly two decades ago while south Somalia has been the scene of recurrent violent confrontations between competing forces.

The entity's first elections in 2003 were commended by US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer during her visit to Somaliland earlier this year.

The visit has been seen as a signal of the US government's interest in development in Somaliland. The US and the EU have conditioned their acceptance of Somaliland independence on recognition by the AU. Frazer confirmed this view, stating during her visit that she believed "the issue of recognition should be left with the AU.

"We will work with the AU and will respect whatever decision it takes on Somaliland's status" Frazer told local reporters.

Delegations from the AU, the EU and various UN organizations have visited the entity, praising its stability, security and political progress.

For residents of the self-declared country, the prospects for recognition may seem remote, but they say the peace they have enjoyed is more important than confirmations of suzerainty from the international community.

"At least we are proud that our part of this violent sub-region is peaceful enough to live [in] and there will come a day when recognition for our state and what we have achieved will come," Mohamed Hajji, a resident of Hargeysa who calls himself a "Somalilander" rather than Somali told ISN Security Watch.

Source ISN Security Watch
Last Updated ( Jun 04, 2008 at 07:02 PM )

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Somaliland parties reach agreement

Hargeisa(QARAN)- The two leaders of the Somaliland opposition parties Mudane Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud of KULMIYE and Mudane Faisal Ali Warabe of UCID along with the Secretary-General of the ruling UDUB party, Mudane Mohamed Ismail Bulale have formally stated that the recent political issues in Somaliland between the government and the opposition parties have been resolved.

In recent press conferences at the various party headquarters in Hargeisa which were held after discussion between the government of Somaliland and the opposition parties at the Presidency this past Sunday, all three Somaliland parties have confirmed that there has been an agreement on the issues arising from recent political debates.

According to Mudane Faisal Ali Warabe, the chair of the UCID party "there has been an eight point agreement between all three parties relating to the recent political issues including but not limited to the voter registration process followed by agreed schedule for the local and Presidential elections at the beginning of next year.

Mudane Faisal Ali also stated that contrary to media reports that funds for the Somaliland elections have not been stopped, all three Somaliland political parties along with the National Elections Commission members are expected to meet with donor nations in Nairobi, Kenya at the end of the week.

The Chair of KULMIYE, Mudane Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud and UDUB's Secretary-General, Mudane Mohamed Ismail Bulale have also issued statements confirming that after the all party meeting on Sunday any political issues pertaining to the upcoming elections and ruling from the Somaliland House of Elders have been resolved.

There are expectations that main points of the multi-party agreement will be further clarified by the government of Somaliland and the opposition parties in the near future.

Source Qarannews

Monday, June 2, 2008

Recognition of Somaliland


By T .D. Kenyon
(courtesy of

After seventeen years of non-recognition by the international community, the people of Somaliland have a modus vivendi in spite of this huge disadvantage which they continue to suffer. Yet ordinary people worldwide recognize that Somaliland constitutes a very worthy addition to the United Nations as a peace loving and devout Islamic State, which excludes and deplores all fanatics and extremists.

One example of Somaliland's numerous handicaps is the Somali Djibouti owner of a medium sized business in the service industry at Hargeysa. He speaks French as his second language and has no English. He has installed a twenty year old Somalilander as manager, who speaks good English, to run the business. The owner lives in Djibouti, and manages a lucrative livestock export business through that port, which, incidentally, is livestock diverted from Somaliland, which should be exported at the port of Berbera if de jure Recognition were granted. He makes a considerable profit on the Hargeysa business because he pays the manager and staff very small wages; he avoids paying Somaliland tax on that business: the hard cash is removed to Djibouti without any customs control: he is so miserly as to dock the manager's wages when a client defaults on a bill, through no fault of the manager. As an absentee landlord and owner of the property and business in Hargeysa, he is a foreign parasite on Somaliland’s economy. Diplomatic relations between Somaliland and Djibouti are controlled by Djibouti, so Somaliland is powerless to rectify this corruption due to the absence of Recognition. (See Horn of Africa Bulletin 6/2004).
Somaliland - over the past seventeen years - has become inured to such malpractice to her detriment, rather than reunite with South Somalia (Mogadishu). Somaliland is thankful for the great mercy of separation from Mogadishu; therefore she is content to continue waiting until Recognition is achieved when justice will be normal.

The USA assistant secretary for African affairs is popular in Somaliland for her courteous visit to Hargeysa in February 2008 after the visit of Somaliland's President to Washington DC in January. On 11 March she spoke to the USA Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on Africa. At the end of a long speech she stated:-

"….Somaliland has achieved a commendable level of stability, largely without external support or assistance, which the international community must help to sustain regardless of the question of formal recognition".

Formal recognition, to business people in the free world is a sine qua non for business. To the communist world - China - business in Somaliland is now flourishing without formal recognition. The appeal of Ms. Frazer "the international community must help….” will only come about after formal recognition, and not regardless of it.

This comment on Somaliland - albeit high sounding - is sadly worthless (except to China) until after Formal Recognition is approved. Somaliland needs Trade and thus less Aid.

The EU has resolved to withhold Recognition of Somaliland. EU have big and many issues near to home which concern the welfare of their citizens. Hence little time, shallow thought and poor understanding is given to the Recognition of Somaliland, which for them does not "exist". Maps show "Somalia" covering the country of Somaliland as well as South Somalia (Mogadishu) = "Rubbish geography".

Many EU countries contribute magnificently to Somaliland's welfare, but their voices are silenced when the trade of Italy with Mogadishu is at stake: Italy wishes that Somalia and Somaliland reunite for the sake of Italian business. To a lesser extent, but equally compelling in EU, the connection of Djibouti and France blocks Somaliland Recognition, also.

Britain - desperately wishing to appear amenable in EU and politica1ly anodyne in UN - throws Somaliland into the Somalia mess. (see letter 4040 of5 Oct 07 Horn of Africa desk FCO) "The UK has signed up to a common EU position..." states the British Foreign and Commonwealth office; so EU is closer than the loyal former Protectorate. (Witness Commonwealth War Graves, Hargeysa). The Commonwealth Conference, in 2007 at Kampala, was visited by the President and a delegation from Somaliland for the request for Recognition, which fell on deaf ears. - Most regrettably.

Egypt - strong voice in AU - has a firm policy that Somaliland and Somalia must reunite - not for the good of either country, but because this crazy policy keeps Ethiopia too busy in Mogadishu troubles to consider her (Ethiopia's) rightful harnessing of the Blue Nile head waters, which would improve Ethiopia's impoverished land. Hence Egyptian policy - impressed on the African Union- is to stop Somaliland Recognition. But - as the Foreign Minister of Ethiopia has stated - stability will come to Somalia when Somaliland is formally recognized. This is because Somalia will then suddenly realize that the chaos and mayhem in that region (in theory ruled by Mogadishu) can no longer be tolerated by the international community, who give credit to Somaliland for its peace and security, and who demand that Mogadishu learn the lesson of sensible government from Somaliland, whom Somalia has treated with contempt and disdain for 48 years, as inferior and insignificant. .

The Arab League -like the African Union -has little interest in Somaliland which does not exist on any map, and which does not grab headlines of war lords versus Union of Islamic Courts, like Mogadishu does. Again the voice of Egypt silences any talk in the Arab League, of Somaliland Recognition.

In the UN Security Council, Russia, China and France, all with veto power, have their own problems of applications for sovereignty and recognition, or for trade. The British Foreign Office states: -" The UK has signed up to many UN Security Council Presidential statements, which refer to the territorial integrity and unity of Somalia". (That is the defunct Somali Republic since 18 May 1991).

Unions, Federations and other groupings happened with de-colonization and post-world war modernization. Egypt and Syria joined in 1958; Somaliland and Somalia joined in 1960. In 1961 Egypt and Syria parted; in 1991 Somaliland and Somalia parted. In the West Indies, in South-East Asia, in Central Africa and other regions groupings were made, and some failed. UN accepted those failed groupings (e.g. Singapore, Jamaica, Malawi); so why is there a problem to separate Somalia and Somaliland? The answer is that Mogadishu (Somalia) refuses separation: this stance is backed blindly, selfishly, and corruptly by AU, AL, EU and UN.

So how did, for example, Timor-Leste (2002), Kosovo (2006) and Eire (1921) achieve separation form Jakarta, Belgrade and London? The lessons of those separations (and others) should help us to learn that stagnation and dithering are negative and fatal. Foresight, humility, individuality and courage are needed for a change of policy. The fighting to achieve independence in 1988 to 1991 for Somaliland is almost unknown, but it was, relatively, much more severe than the fighting leading to the disintegration of Yugoslavia, about which Mr. Kofi Annan said, "It will haunt our history for ever". The Balkans in Europe are less remote than the Horn of Africa. UN helped Kosovo: Somaliland has achieved and regained her 26 June 1960 independence and sovereignty ---alone.

Around the world, those who study the Somaliland request for Recognition (and are not corrupted or silenced by extremely dubious or evil policies of strong voices in UN, AU, EU, AL or other groups) know clearly and positively that world peace and stability will be splendidly advanced with Somaliland - a stable, democratic, free press, peaceful, Islamic state -- taking its rightful place in the international community of nations with World Formal Recognition. Failure to recognize Somaliland is a serious and unnecessary risk in this volatile and unstable area, which affects the whole of world peace.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Somaliland signs oil agreement with UK company

Somaliland government signs agreement with UK Oil company

Written by Qarannews

Hargeisa (QARAN) -

The Somaliland Ministry of Water and Natural Resources has confirmed that the government of Somaliland has signed an oil exploration agreement with Asante Oil (UK) Limited.

According to the Director-General of the Ministry of Water and Natural Resources, Eng. Ahmed Ibrahim Suldan, Asante Oil (UK) Limited recently purchased the report from the seismic survey conducted in Somaliland by TGS of Norway, and has subsequently agreed to begin drilling towards the end of 2008.

Speaking to reports from the Republican at his office in Hargeisa, Eng. Ahmed Ibrahim also refuted recent rumours that Range Resources and African Oil which are currently conducting similar exploration in the Puntland region of Somalia may encroach into Somaliland territory.

Eng. Ahmed Ibrahim, Director-General of the Somaliland ministry of Water and Natural Resources described these rumours as baseless and stated that the government of Somaliland will protect the natural resources of the country, and described the current exploration in Puntland as merely an attempt by Range Resources and African Oil to sell shares in their companies in order to generate money.

Eng. Ahmed Ibrahim described the recent survey by TGS in Somaliland as extensive one which drawn lots of interest at the recent petroleum convention in San Antonio, Texas.

Source The Republican

New Graduates from Burco School of Health

Burco (QARAN)-

The first graduates from the Burco School of Health have completed their three year course. The thirty one students are the first batch of graduates from the school since 1986.
Speaking at the ceremony held at the Burco University campus Marwo Fadumo Osman, the school administrator, congratulated the graduates on completing their studies and encouraged them to use their knowledge and skill for the benefit of the people of Somaliland and the Horn of Africa.

The Togdher Region Health Co-ordinator, Mudane Aden Mohamed also spoke at the ceremony to mark the graduation of the first batch of students from the School of Health since 1986 and reminded the graduates of their responsibility in filling the need for qualified health workers in the Somaliland health sector.

Other dignitaries attending the ceremony included the Director-General of Burco's General Hospital, Dr. Abdijibar Mohamed Abdi, senior officers from the Somaliland Health ministry, the Chair of the Togdher Regional Health committee and members from several international aid agencies.

The thirty one graduates will complete their final exams within the next week at Burco University.

Kayse Ahmed Digale