President Rayale’s address to both chambers of the Somaliland Parliament.
Written by Qarannews
Hargeisa (QARAN)- The President of the Republic of Somaliland Mudane Dahir Rayale Kahin in an address to both chambers of the Somaliland parliament spoke on his government's political, economic and security achievements.
The President began by extending a personal greeting to the members of both chambers of the parliament, to all Somalilanders both at home and abroad. President Rayale also offered a prayer for the martyrs who lost their lives to attain freedom of the country.
Speaking about Somaliland's achievements, President Rayale stated "Our secret for the "unassisted" development of the country is our reliance on the peoples' will , consultations, perseverance and adhering to our decisions . This is our answer to the international community when we are asked of how we have developed so far".
The President , speaking about the internal criticism and accusations by certain groups within the country said "My administration has reached all corners of our territory , our democracy and achievements have brought to the limelight many enemies, it is essential that we unite and consult to overcome our enemies. We should keep in mind that our internal political difference not put the country on the alter of sacrifice, I hope that our democratisation success will be reflected in our economy as well"
President Rayale speaking about the political program of his government stated that it is based on the following:-
1. Safe transition from a community based government to a constitutionally democratic administration.
2. Quest for the international recognition of Somaliland
3. Strengthening of the security and stability of the nation by extending the central administration to the whole country.
4. The development of socio-economic of the country and decentralisation of the administration.
5. Improving the judiciary system and providing equality of justice to all.
The President in his speech addressed the opposition parties and said "I call on the opposition to be prepared to take part in a fair election without putting the people and the nation in jeopardy. I remind them that we must all obey the laws and the constitution of the country, and remind those who refuse to abide by the law that they will be disgraced and will not have any place in the community".
On the National Electoral Commission, President Rayale said the following " The members of the commission should have more knowledge of the law and appreciate the fact the NEC is an executive organ but not a legislative one and as such has to abide by the electoral laws".
Addressing the issue of Sool and Eastern Sanaag , President Rayale stated that special funds will be allocated in this year's budget in order to help the residents of these regions to improve the infrastructure, education and security.
"We have created new regions and districts in order to decentralise the administration . We have found out that this is imperative to fulfil the peoples' wishes and as a result the Somaliland administration has reached every corner of the country" stated President Rayale.
The President in his speech announced that he expects a new chapter in the cooperation between the Executive and the Legislative bodies of Somaliland.
On Economic development and the country's infrastructure , President Rayale stated that "The government will complete its 2007 development project which will contribute enormously to the economic development of the country, with the implementation of the five hundred million dollar programme ($550 million) due to commence in the middle of this year".
President Rayale reminded the people that the perceived political crisis in Somaliland has had an adverse effect on the nation's reputation with regard to the international community and appealed for mature deliberation discussions and consensus to resolve any issues.
During his address to both chambers of the Somaliland parliament, President Rayale highlighted some of the industrial and communications developments in Somaliland, including the new fiber optic cable which will pass through the country form the Wajaale on the border with Ethiopia to coast of Somaliland, and the recent seismic survey conducted in partnership with Somaliland by TGS-Nopec of Norway.
President Rayale stated "The successful completion of these projects will enable Somaliland to be more competitive in terms of business and economic arena in the region and greatly enhance the nations development prospects".
"We must manifest joint responsibility to work for the nations needs and unify the country, to achieve this , we have to avoid every conceivable obstacle be it in words or deeds that will have negative effect on the country" stated President Rayale.
The President called on the people to be vigilant against people who wish to create instability on May 15. President Rayale stated that "their aim and target is to destroy what we have been cultivating for the last 17 years".
President Rayale also mentioned the significant diplomatic steps Somaliland has recently taken by engaging neighbouring African nations, as well as, the United States, the European Union and the Arab world.
In conclusion , President Rayale called on the international community to respond to the people's call for their rights to be recognised as the country has fulfilled all prerogative requirements of statehood.
"I pray that God relieves us from the drought that hit the country , I pray for the development of the country and I promise that the government will further strengthen stability in the country , maintain good relations with its neighbours and continue its quest for international recognition" concluded President Dahir Rayale Kahin in his address to both chambers of the Somaliland parliament.